Settlements and Sites of the Four City-States #109
April 19th, 2023
Number: 109
Name: Lapit Cove
Location: Coastal town on Lapit Bay nearly on the eastern border of Noldrune
Population (approx.): 720
Brief: With the ascendency of Lanumouth (#38) to a town and destination of note for nobles and the rich, the lesser elements of society were pushed or driven west and east along the coast. Lapit Cove, a small fishing village, grew into a welcome refuge for those expelled by the powers that be. Lapit Cove is a somewhat squalid, boisterous and violent town. All manners of plots against the crown, guilds and others are hatched in the inns, taverns and dens. Given that, there is a sizeable contingent of town guards based in Lapit Cove as well as a “blind” of the NSS dedicated to handling the most imminent or dangerous threats. Others who have been seen in the village or rumored to be passing through include pirate contacts from the Buccaneer’s Arc (#12), Ta’arnan traditionalists of Surecliff (#46) and an agent or two of Ceannar from the south and east.
Geography: Lapit Cove is a small deep-water harbor in a nook between the coast to the west and the Eisleymon Peninsula, a 10-mile-long ridge, just to the east extending north into Lapit Bay. There are no beaches of not, just pebble and rock covered shores. Fishing boats and merchanters pull up onto dry land or tie up to the old wooden docks. The ramshackle buildings, taverns, merchants and tenements, cluster against the ridge of the peninsula, insulated from any storms that make it into the bay. The most solid structures of Lapit Cove are the combined and fortified town hall and guard barracks, and the Sailor’s Guildhall.
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