Settlements and Sites of the Four City-States #49
Feb 18th 2023
Number: 49
Name: County of Airontir Taun (“Oceanview Forest”)
Location: Southern coast of Ceannar at the end of the western spur of the Flattop Hills
Population (approx.): 1,200
Brief: The County of Airontir Taun is the largest Fey community in Ceannar. It was founded well before even the Ta’arnan Empire and has weathered all storms both natural and kin-made. Although the Elves therein do not use either County or Count to refer to their community or their leaders, the 1st Baron of the City-State granted Airontir Taun this status in order to recognize their unique powers and contributions to the founding of Ceannar. Airontir Taun contains a number of settlements and 2 small harbors, one on the ocean to the south and one on a small bay (Airontir Copa) to the west. The Elves infrequently interact with the Kin of the City-State, but when they do, they prefer to do such at a small settlement, known as Elfmeet, to the west of the County.
Geography: Airontir Taun is considered by the City-State to cover the irregular peninsula at the southern tip of the western spur of the Flattop Hills. Most of the approximately 400 square miles of terrain is covered with dense climax forest, as old as the Elves themselves. Elven hunting parties and their Fey Kin may be encountered in the hills directly north as well.
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