Settlements and Sites of the Four City-States #46
Feb 15th 2023
Number: 46
Name: Surecliff (originally “Sure on the Cliff”)
Location: North coast of Ceannar just east of the border with Noldrune and the Lesser Staplefish Bay
Population (approx.): 7,350
Brief: Surecliff is the second largest city of Ceannar. It is unusual in that most of its population does not claim to be of one of Ceannar’s Peoples. Surecliff was a Ta’arnan Empire stronghold, home to troops from across the Empire tasked with controlling a large portion of what now is Noldrune and Ceannar. Five centuries later, Surecliff retains much of the flavor of the Ta’arnan’s culture and style, the city design focussed about the 12 Masks (the positive and negative aspects) of the Six. As Surecliff is somewhat isolated from Ceannar by trhe Tuton Maug Spur, it has been the spot of some unrest and dissent. Old Ta’arnans and young riff-raff mix freely in the lesser bars and taverns, plotting and planning.
Geography: Surecliff is built on the south edge of the nearly circular Sure Bay, which is almost enclosed by 2 natural breakwaters to the north, creating a large natural harbor. The city is divided into 12 wards, each dedicated to a mask of the Six. The harbor falls within the 4 wards of Air and Water. The center of the city are the 4 wards of Light and Dark. The wards of Fire and Earth are wide and narrow, encompassing lesser surrounding residences and businesses.
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